Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
7th World Convention on Waste Recycling and Reuse, will be organized around the theme “Why WASTE it ?? Let’s SORT it !!”
Recycling Summit 2018 is comprised of 15 tracks and 60 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Recycling Summit 2018.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
Renewable energy is energy that is collected from renewable resources, which are naturally replenished on a human timescale, such as sunlight, the wind, rain, tides, waves, and geothermal heat. Renewable energy often provides energy in four important areas: electricity generation, air and water heating/cooling, transportation, and rural energy services.
Renewable energy resources exist over wide geographical areas, in contrast to other energy sources, which are concentrated in a limited number of countries. Rapid deployment of renewable energy and energy efficiency is resulting in significant energy security, climate change mitigation, and economic benefits
- Track 1-1Hydropower
- Track 1-2Geothermal energy
- Track 1-3Wave power
- Track 1-4Wind Power
- Track 1-5Tidal power
- Track 1-6Solar Energy
- Track 2-1Advances in Bioenergy
- Track 2-2Bio energy for the future
- Track 2-3Biomass supply chains for Bioenergy and Bio refining
- Track 3-1 Effectiveness of food waste management
- Track 3-2 Problems and Opportunities
- Track 3-3 Treatment of solid food waste
- Track 4-1 Chemical recycling of household polymeric waste
- Track 4-2Nano material and global sustainability
- Track 4-3Carbon fiber recycling
- Track 5-1Recycling of liquid crystal display
- Track 5-2Cell phones and battery recycling
- Track 5-3Computer recycling
- Track 5-4E-waste management system specification
- Track 5-5Recycling of printed circuit board
- Track 6-1Biodegradable plastics
- Track 6-2Plastic recycling plant
- Track 6-3 Recycled Polypropylene plastic fibres to reinforce concrete
- Track 6-4Management of marine plastic debris
- Track 7-1Environmental impacts of waste paper recycling
- Track 7-2Model treatment of Paper recycling system
- Track 7-3Conversion of paper mill sludge into absorbent
- Track 8-1The science and technology of rubber
- Track 8-2Recycling and reuse of waste rubber
- Track 8-3Manufacture and application of natural rubber
- Track 9-1Household waste recycling
- Track 9-2Disposal management methods
- Track 9-3Recycling construction and demolition waste
- Track 9-4Environmental waste management
- Track 10-1Emerging technologies in Hazardous waste management
- Track 10-2Handling and management of Hazardous materials
- Track 10-3 Nuclear decommissioning waste management
- Track 10-4Community impact on toxic waste
- Track 10-5Radio active waste management
- Track 11-1Fuel cells in the waste to energy chain
- Track 11-2Conversion Technologies
- Track 11-3Energy recovery from waste Incineration
- Track 11-4Construction waste as resource and energy
- Track 11-5Biofuels
- Track 12-1Industrial waste water treatment
- Track 12-2Resource Recovery and Recycling from Metallurgical Wastes
- Track 12-3Managing food industry waste
- Track 13-1Management frame work for municipal solid waste systems
- Track 13-2Thermal solid waste utilization in regular and industrial facilities
- Track 13-3Solid waste minimization technologies
- Track 14-1The limits of recycling
- Track 14-2recycling state of practice update
- Track 14-3international recycling trends and policies
- Track 15-1Recent research and techniques
- Track 15-2Recycling Basics
- Track 15-3Construction waste management
- Track 15-4Agricultural waste recycling
- Track 15-5Conversion of large scale waste into value added products
- Track 15-6Mechanical technologies for recycling waste composites
- Track 15-7Home-waste management